Sir Saiful Yusri, Our FYP Supervisor

He is our lecturer for the subjects 'Communication Technology' when we were in second semester and now he is our FYP supervisor.

Amalina, my partner!

Me with my partner, Amalina. Check out her FYP blog :

Sound Trigger

Our project 'Sound Trigger' circuit, without casing

Finally! Industry Day

On the Industry Day, all FYP student projects assessed by two lecturers.. Most nervous day for us but Alhamdulillah everything went well. :)

Look how happy we are :D

We are currently assessed by one of our assessors.

Sound Trigger by Owen Bishop

From my last post, I mention about the confirmation of our FYP project. Our project is called ‘Sound Trigger’ by Owen Bishop. So for this post, I will explain the abstract of our project.


‘Sound Trigger’ is basically a circuit model of a sound-operated trigger that can be triggered by a sudden sound such as hand clap ordinary conversation or passing traffic. When the circuit is triggered by a sudden sound, the lamp that connected with the circuit will comes on and stays on for about  50 seconds.

Sometimes we wake up the middle of the night, just want to go to the toilet or go to kitchen to drink. In this situation where we are not aware and unconscious in the dark, we might bump into door or closet which we might will injured ourselves. Our project will help consumer in this very particular situation.


Finding Partner, Supervisor and Project Title

First week of S1/2012, we have to choose our partner, supervisor and find our project for diploma fyp student, we can choose either we want to do in a group of two or doing the fyp solo. So we both agree to be partners for our fyp because we are in the same course and we have been working together in group work and labs since first semester ^^

This is us through out the year :P

After agreeing on being partner, we have to find the right project and supervisor. We can't choose any project that has been done recently. We discussedand we list down our former lecturers name that we think that can be our FYP supervisor. So we met sir Saiful Yusri, one of lecturer in telecommunication department and he also taught us Communication Technology subject in our second semester. We ask him to be our supervisor and he agreed. He also agree with our choice of project which is Sound Trigger by Owen Bishop

Therefore, we have managed to have our supervisor for FYP and also choose a very ideal project for us. Since then, our Final Year Project's journey began.

FYP Official Blog

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaikum. ^^

We are, Amalina and Zahidah, S2/12 FYP student taking Diploma of Engineering Technology in Telecommunication. This is our Final Year Project blog, but this blog is run by Zahidah. For Amalina, her blog is . We will update every detail of our Final Year Project’s process from S2/12 week 1 until our project is done. Since we can choose either to update our FYP’s via blog or logbook, we choose to do blog instead of logbook because it’s easier to correct errors in terms of spelling, explain things through pictures, videos or links that can be given directly from any FYP related websites.

To our beloved FYP supervisor, Sir Saiful, hope you can give us the guidance that we need.

Please pray for us too InshaAllah :D